Sep 6, 2010

Koleksi Ucapan Lebaran

Waduuhh... sebentar lagi puasa bakal selesai. sedih juga rasanya ninggalin Ramadhan.. udah terbiasa berhaus-haus ria siang hari (ngidam makan/minum. hehe, ngaku...) dan sekarang udah mau diganti sama Iedul fitri.

Tapi, its oK. "ada pertemuan, ada perpisahan". kita udah ketemu sama Ramadhan, jadi ada saatnya juga berpisah dan kita pindah ke "Hari Kemenangan", Eidul Fitri, 1 Syawal (1431 H).

hanya sebuah doa:

"semoga semua ibadah dan amal baik kita diterima oleh Allah swt. kesalahan dan dosa kita dimaafkan, juga semoga kita diberi panjang umur untuk ketemu lagi sama Ramadhan".

nah, mumpung mau Lebaran ini ada sedikit koleksi Greeting dan ucapan lebaran. kata-kata ini aku kumpulin dari beberapa situs punya teman-teman. kamu bisa copy-paste buat SMS, atau message lebaran. semoga bermanfaat dan...

Happy Eid Fitr Mubarak.
taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum
May Allah accept (the good deeds) from us and you
also, may the guidance and blessing of Allah
be with you and our family



Sebening fiber optic,
setinggi tower BTS,
secepat broadband access.
Kami sekeluarga mohon dibukakan bandwidth maaf selebar-lebarnya.

Menjelang Lebaran, Sebelum Sinyal Hilang, Sebelum Operator Sibuk, Sebelum SMS pending mulu, Saya mo ngucapin . Met Idul Fitri, Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin

Walaupun Hati gak sebening XL Dan secerah MENTARI.
Banyak khilaf yang buat FREN kecewa,
Kuminta SIMPATI-mu untuk BEBAS kan dari ROAMING dosa
Dan Kita semua hanya bisa mengangkat JEMPOL kepadaNya
Yang selalu membuat Kita HOKI dalam mencari kartu AS
Selama Kita hidup karena Kita harus FLEXIbel
Untuk menerima semua pemberianNYA Dan menjalani
MATRIX kehidupan ini…Dan semoga amal Kita tidak ESIA-ESIA…
Mohon Maaf Lahir Bathin.

MTV bilang kalo MO minta maap g ush nunggu lebaran
Org bijak blg kerennya kalo mnt maap duluan
Ust. Jefri blg org cakep mnt maap gk prl disuruh
Kyai blg org jujur Ga perlu malu utk minta maap
Jd krn Mrs anak nongkrong yg jujur, keren cakep Dan baek
Ya gw ngucapin minal aidzin wal faizin , mohon maaf lahir Dan batin ..

Masa aktif Hidup anda hampir berakhir, saldo dosa anda makin meningkat, di hari yang fitri ini raih kesempatan untuk meningkatkan saldo Iman. Isi ulang dengan sirahturahmi. SELAMAT IDUL FITRI, mohon maaf lahir & batin

SEBENTAR berduit
$LEBARAN Idul Fitri$
Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin

Ikan teri kesamber gledek. Idul fitri is come back. Ada anak pelihara kate, maafin kita sekeluarga ye. Buah jambu disayur lodeh. Kalo gak mau, ee e ee capek deh.

oo([ Edisi Puitis ])oo

Bila kata merangkai dusta..
Bila langkah membekas lara…
Bila hati penuh prasangka…
Dan bila Ada langkah yang menoreh luka.
Mohon bukakan pintu maaf…
Selamat Idul Fitri Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin

” Sepuluh jari tersusun rapi.. Bunga melati pengharum hati .. SMS dikirim
pengganti diri… Memohon maaf setulus hati … Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin
-Selamat Idul Fitri-

Satukan tangan,satukan hati itulah indahnya silaturahmi Di hari kemenangan kita padukan keikhlasan untuk saling memaafkan Selamat Hari Raya Idul FitriMohon Maaf Lahir Batin

Menyambung kasih, merajut cinta, beralas ikhlas, beratap DOA.
Semasa hidup bersimbah khilaf & dosa, berharap dibasuh maaf.
Selamat Idul Fitri

Kata telah terucap, tangan telah tergerak, prasangka telah terungkap,
Tiada kata, Kecuali “saling maaf” jalin ukhuwah & kasih sayang raih
indahnya kemenangan hakiki, Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri

Mata kadang salah melihat. Mulut kadang salah berucap. Hati kadang salah menduga. Maafkan segala kekhilafan. Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin. Selamat hari raya Idul Fitri 1430H. Maafin ya.

Melati semerbak harum mewangi,
Sebagai penghias di Hari fitri,
SMS ini hadir pengganti diri,
Ulurkan tangan silaturahmi.
Selamat Idul Fitri

Andai jemari tak sempat berjabat.
Jika raga tak bisa bersua.
Bila Ada kata membekas luka.
Semoga pintu maaf masih terbuka.
Selamat Idul Fitri

Terselip khilaf dalam candaku. Tergores luka dalam tawaku, terbelit pilu dalam tingkahku, tersinggung rasa dalam bicaraku. Hari kemenangan telah tiba, moga segala dosa & kesalahan kita terampuni. Mari bersama kita bersihkan dihari yang fitri. SELAMAT IDUL FITRI, mohon maaf lahir & batin


All that is in the heavens
and the earth
glorifieth Allah; and
He is the Mighty,
the Wise.
The Holy Quran [ 57:1]

Eid Mubarak to You.


Wishing you and
your family HapPy eId...
May Allah Bless You,
Your Family and Accept Your sacrifice.

yourName :)


When the sun has set, and day is done
I’ll break this chain, but only one.
By the end of Ramadan,
It’s time for Eid and lots of fun!!!


U fasted,u prayed,
U been good 4 a whole 30 days.
So ur merciful ALLAH gave u a sign,
Out came the moon 2 say come celebrate..
Happy Eid mubarak


May you be guided by
your faith in Allah
shine in his divine blessings!
Eid Mubarak


May Allah flood your life
with happiness on this occasion,

ur heart with love,
ur soul with spirtual,
ur mind with wisdom,
wishing u a very Happy Eid Mubarik


May the choicest
blessing of Allah
fill your life with
joy and prosperity.


May the day delight
and the moments measure all the special joys
for all of you to treasure.
May the year ahead
be fruitful too,
for your home and family
and specially for you.



A time for joy,
a time for togetherness,
a time to remember my blessings..

For me… it’s you!

May Allah Bless you &
Give u all the joy u bring to my life!


May the blessings of Allah
fill your life with happiness
and open all the doors of success
now and always.
Eid Mubarak



The moon has been sighted
The samoosas are ready
Here comes EID so just go steady
Lots of dua’s is all i request
and just wanted to wish you all the BEST!!!
“Eid Mubarak”

Eid ul adha is eid of sacrifice, and commitment to Allahs orders
May Allah bless us with the same in all circles of life,
and help all amongst us, who r helpless,worried,
and waiting for his rehmat, Ameen.
Eid Mubarak.

No shadows to depress u,
Only joys to surround u,
God himself to bless u,
these r my wishes for u,
Today, tomorrow, and every day.
Eid Mubarik.

May the magic of dis EID bring lots of happiness in ur life &
may u celebrate it wid all ur close friends &
may it fill ur HEART wid wonders.

Hope Love and Laugher, warmth, wishes, joy and a bouquet of Eid wishes,
jubilations, become a part of your Eid and Your Life.
Eid Mubarak.

Eid Mubarak,
A message from my heart a place where i keep special people like you,
God bless you.

B4 the sun rises on this glorious holiday
B4 u wear new cloths
B4 u remembered by others
b4 the network gets jammed
I wish u happy Eid Mubarak.

I wish u and ur family a very happy and peaceful eid,
May Allah accept good deeds, forgive your transgressions,
and ease the suffering of all people around the globe.
Eid Mubarak

No greeting cards to give
No sweet flowers to send
No cute graphics to forward
just a loving heart saying
Happy Eid Mubarak.

Can i stay here in your inbox and wait untill Eid
So that i will be the first person to wish you
Happy Eid Mubarak

Look Outside…
It’s so pleasant! Sun Smiling For you
Trees Dancing for you…
Birds singing for you… Because I requested them All to wish You

After 3 days
After 72hrs
After 4320 min
After 259200sec
Every1 will send u this msg but i m the
1st telling u and ur family Eid Mubarak..

May Allah bring you joy, happiness, peace and prosperity on this blessed occasion.
Wishing you and your family on this happy occasion of Eid!
Eid Mubarak!

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